No Safewords 2: Stories of the Marketplace by several authors

No Safewords 2

Overall story rating 4 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars, BDSM, GLBT, Erotica

Series – The Marketplace

This is a collection of Marketplace fanfiction. There’s a lot of BDSM stories here M/F, M/M, Slaves, paranormal and more. Many of the stories end too soon, leaving you wishing for more, there were a couple misses for me but overall if you like reading BDSM fiction or enjoyed the Marketplace series by Laura Antoniou you will like this collection. I read the Marketplace a while ago, after reading these stories I am definitely making plans to reread the series again.

The Adventure of the Bowing Doctor by S. Daithi

Story 5 of 5 stars, Heat 5 of 5 stars

Main Characters – Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson.

A kinky take on Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson. Watson’s owner dies and he is cut loose, but Holmes agrees to consider him for a one week trial. Watson’s loss is heartbreaking, but you can feel the connection these two make in a short period. The ending is abrupt and leaves you searching for the next page in their story.

Olivia by Erzabet Bishop

Story 4 of 5 stars, heat 2 of 5 stars

Main Characters – Alexandra and Olivia

Olivia’s owner is dying and he seeks to put her into Alexandria’s care to finish her training. This is another Marketplace fanfiction that ends too soon.

Rain Dog by L.N. Bey

Story 4 of 5 stars, heat 5 of 5 stars

Main Characters – Mr. Davis and Sharon Brosa

I always wondered if we’d get a follow up story for Sharon. I didn’t think she’d ever actually pu effort into her claims of wanting to be a slave. This was perfect.

Pickett Ridge: Mission Market by Flynn Anthony

Story 5 of 5 stars, heat 5 of 5 stars

Main Characters – Colonel Beauregard Riordan, Colin Fyveson

Beau runs a halfway house for soldiers, helping them transition back to the real world after being in the military. Colin is still having difficulty after 18 months in Beau’s care, until Beau gives in to the obvious signs that Colin needs the discipline of being in service, a slave. Beau resists the idea as it isn’t his thing but he recognizes the signs and tests Colin over a period of time, giving Colin basic Marketplace training. Beau is a leather Daddy and his twin brothers are in the Marketplace and helped him understand their need to be slaves.

I liked his acceptance of others’ needs, even though he was personal opposed to it. This story seemed to be about acceptance and giving those we care about what they need even though it may be distasteful for us personally. Acceptance of his brothers’ choices and his daughter’s even though he tries to steer her away from the Marketplace. Very good read.

Blind Emotions by Kimiko Alexandre

Story 3 of 5 stars, Heat 5 of 5 stars

Main Characters – Jessica

Jessica wants to be accepted as a slave, she wants to be owned, she also has psychic talent to read people and their emotions. Her audition is in a hotel, where the man she meets tests her talent in various ways while playing with her sexually. It was just an okay read for me, this might be better in a paranormal erotic thriller.

The Brill Boy at Kaleigh by Scott Harris

Story 4 of 5 stars, Heat 5 of 5 stars

Main Characters Trey, Major4 Catham, Danny

Trey was raised by parents in service and as he grew up he knew he also wanted to serve in the Marketplace. He is very proud that he was accepted to train and sent to Kaleigh further his training. His nervousness and fear of not representing his spotter really comes across. A nice snippet.

Isis of 10,000 Names by Steve Dee

Story 2 of 5 stars, Heat 5 of 5 stars

Main Characters – Cybele/James

This was a peek into an alternative world of paranormal beings in the Marketplace. Eugene is a tentacle beast, he’s submissive but all his owners want him to behave like a beast. His new owner has been ignoring him and he’s afraid once he gets his attention that it will be more of the same. I loved that his owner was a pixie and that they weren’t what people expected.

Second Opinion by Madeline Elayne

Story 5 of 5 stars, Heat 5 of 5 stars

Maine Characters –  Connor Cane/Margaret Moxie

Cameron is asked to evaluate a woman with both her Marketplace spotter cap and her counseling, social worker cap. This short touches on the differences between abusive enslavement and a person’s true desire to serve as a slave, within a framework that is as safe as it can be given the activities engaged. I thought it well done, but some of the extremes may be challenging for some to read.

Prospect by Moxie Marcus

Story of 4 of 5 stars, Heat 5 of 5 stars

The day before Connor is to be put up for auction he is evaluated by Margaret, canes are used but he has no idea if he met with her approval. As stands on a platform for buyers to view him he reflects on his training, worried about his short comings and that he may have disappointed or failed Margaret as bidding is about to close and she hadn’t arrived yet. It resonated with me, don’t we all go through these sorts of reflections and self-doubts during evaluations in real life. I thought it was well done.

650.13 by Caraway Carter

Story 3 of 5 stars, Heat 5 of 5 stars

Main Character – Tobias Blanchard

Tobias, a librarian, entered the Marketplace to train to be a slave for one man, Jamie. Before Tobias finished, Jamie decided he needed someone to manage his household of slaves and switched Tobias program to become a trainer. This part seemed to be a big editing issue or Jamie was a complete liar and no one called him on it, because per the story ‘he told me he wasn’t ready for a slave of his own.’ then goes on to say he wanted Tobias ‘to manage other slaves in his household’ which doesn’t make sense. During this period of time Jamie dies and Tobias knowing he was a slave, returned to the slave training. Then we jump to his being considered by a perspective buyer. The story goes on to describe Anderson’s attempt at getting him to lose 30 lbs and apparently failing, as well as his doubts about anyone considering him, a chubby 35 year old librarian, a ‘pleasure slave.’ This just didn’t flow for me, it felt disjointed. It smoothes out after he is sold, from that point on I really enjoyed it.

The Thorny Issue by Wade McLeod

Story 4 of 5 stars, Heat 5 of 5 stars

Main Character – Heathcliffe Ryan Deckford

This short is about a traveling kink caravan, it starts with a premeeting and a slave mini-lease auction and moves on to cop that thinks they may have something to do with missing persons over ten years. Turns out the cop is a submissive masochist, who hasn’t had his needs met in years. His investigation leads him to an old play partner and where he’s always wanted to be. While expected it was still a nice short.

Blood Lust by Elizabeth Schechter

Story 4 of 5 stars, Heat 5 of 5 stars

Main Characters – Daniel, Grendel Eliot, Alexandra Selador, Hiro Itami

“This short had an interesting twist. Daniel is in training with Grendel, Alexandra and Chris, he was rescued from a blood club, where people cut him and drank his blood. During training they learn he’s a cutter and even though they tried many things they can’t get him to a place where he won’t cut. Worried for his safety if they let him go, but knowing he can’t be auctioned they discuss what to do with him, Chris tells them about a place he may go within the Marketplace that may fit Daniel. A very specialized and strictly overseen group, Kyuketsuki. He makes a call to Anderson, who demands to meet Chris and Daniel that night.

At this point there’s a blip in the story in that it says Chris is calling Tokyo from the States, but then they describe their drive to Anderson’s that is clearly in the U.S.

Anderson meets and accesses Daniel and introduces him to a Kyuketsuki, Hiro Itami. I loved seeing Chris and Anderson together and addressing the special needs of this slave and owner. Interesting twist, kept me engaged.”

The Counselor by Amelia Horo

Story 4 of 5 stars, Heat 5 of 5 stars

Main character – Morticia Lapenta

Morticia is blind, lawyer, slave. This story is her reflecting on the last two decades and how she got where she was in service to Lucille. A brief synopsis of her life before she first entered service, she could still see but her vision was declining and her training and past owners. She always wanted a purpose and she found it, even though she had a disability.

State of Change by Soulhuntre

Story 4 of 5 stars, Heat 5 of 5 stars

Main character – Natalie

Natalie’s owner has different ideas about what he wants from a slave, starting his own House. Definitely a Millenial take on what’s desired in a slave, they can fight, take on business, and fuck, not old school Victorian type slave. It was entertaining read.

Transcendence by Jamie Thorsen

Story 3 of 5 stars, Heat 5 of 5 stars

Main Characters – Dark Eyes (Marie Salazons), Ken Mandarin, Quentin, Eloise Devereaux, Layton Turner

Dark Eyes starts when she was owned by a gangster, that lead her to being sent to jail, until an advocate saves her, teaches and trains her. This story jumps from a very intense scene, involving breathe play, bondage, impact play, simultaneous sexual use. This is pretty graphic and at times comes across as her not wanting what’s happening to her. This is her last night as a slave and all of the important people that helped her are there to give her a final send off. This will definitely turn some people on and others it may squick them out. It is also a story of a woman overcoming a rough start and bad history.

Unbridled Domesticity by Elizabeth Schechter

Story 4 of 5 stars, Heat 5 of 5 stars

Main Characters – Thomas and Eugenia

Husband, wife, slave/Owner story. A peek into the life of a slave within marriage. A kinky slice of life, between them and their first slave of their House.

Foster Care by Elle Wickenden

Story 4 of 5 stars, Heat 5 of 5 stars

Main Characters – Bette/Kelly

I thought this was a great story but it had several editing and consistency issues. Kelly’s owner went crazy, and beat her severely, she’s hospitalized in another country. Bette is a fixer, she goes down and rescues her and brings her to the States at first to treat her medical injuries then to Canada to heal and be safe. The story first says she’s a U.S. citizen then later says she’s a Canadian citizen, then it says she came from a reputable outfit in Chicago, but her trainer was Geoff Negel who’s based in California and is considered by most of the Marketplace as an ‘unscrupulous trainer’. If you can get past those types of things in the story, the story itself was good. I loved how Bette took her in and cared for her. Cognizant of the healing both inside and out that Kelly needed and the strong desire of Bette to keep her and protect her.

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