A Quick Bite by Lynsay Sands


Story 4 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Argeneau Family

Hero – Gregory Hewitt

Heroine – Lissiana Argeneau

Listened to audio narrated well by Victoria McGee. Greg is a psychologist who specializes in curing phobias. Lissianna’s mother kidnaps him in order for him to cure her of her phobia. This leads a lot of campy twists and turns and misunderstandings. Things get more complicated when he isn’t easily manipulated and they find out that Lissiana can’t read him at all. Then there’s the ‘mysterious’ attacks on Lissiana to solve, except it’s pretty obvious as the reader who was responsible.

This is a light hearted, campy, vamp book. If you like those sorts of reads, I think you’ll enjoy this book. Although you may still wonder how someone as old as Lissiana can be so clueless.

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