Pirate by Eve Langlais, narrated by Chandra Skyye


Story 2.75 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Space Gypsy Chronicles

Hero – Rafe Abadon

Heroine – Emma

Listened to audio narrated by Chandra Skyye.

Rafe is a pirate, who comes across as an ‘I only have sex on the brain’ kind of guy, who constantly makes sexual innuendos and overtures. The story starts out with Emma making a deliver to Rafe and ends with aliens attacking them and Rafe fleeing Earth with Emma in tow. These two have a relationship based on a lot of sexual suggestions but no action but once they’re aboard the ship it ramps up. For me the ramp up was not good, he relentlessly pursues Emma for sex, not for a relationship but to relieve his needs. No matter how many times Emma turns him down, he keeps pursuing her, masturbating when she knows she’ll come into the room. It soured the read for me, Rafe never changes his ways.

There is some fun and snark with his jealous ship AI named Annabelle, and when Emma isn’t playing dumb damsel, I liked that she would stand up for herself. This was just and okay read and I’m hoping the next book in the series will be better.

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