About Last Night by S.E. Law


Story 3 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Hero – Trevor Ellis

Heroine – Missy Baker

There’s a lot of good stuff here but there’s also some not so good. Trevor is a bored, rich, bad boy that gets invited to a sex party, where he meets 20 year old virgin Missy. Missy’s ready to lose her virginity and Trevor charms the dress right off her giving her an orgasm filled night. Trevor gets Missy’s girlfriend to bring her to the next sex party so they can do it all again a week later. The day after that, a bomb drops in their laps as they meet at their parent’s get-to-know-you-brunch before the wedding. There’s a bunch of panic, we can’t sleep together because we’re going to be related nonsense, inappropriate sex in the kitchen, where their parents walk in on them, you get the idea.

As an erotic read, this was definitely packed full of sensual, erotic scenes but there were also some things that jumped out at me, feeling not right. As an example the night he first meets her and takes away her virginity, his endearments were mostly ‘sweet, baby doll,’ but then out of the blue he says, “”You’re a good little slut, aren’t you?’ then says “”You like this, don’t you my little whore.”” Given the situation and previous talk, this was jarring.

Questions I kept asking myself:
-lack of using or even discussing protection, at a sex party and her not remembering how she got home, when she had to have walked home since that’s how they got there.
-she comes home from college and never meets her mom’s fiancée up until the get to know you brunch
-Trevor being in to town a week, without any family get together happening
-the allusion of distance with her mother, that isn’t realized in her interactions with her mother. Missy’s inner dialogue refers to her mother as Nancy, but always calling her mom, and then later in the story the inner dialogue switches to mom and mother, then goes back to Nancy again.

These things didn’t make a lot of sense and pulled me out of the story puzzling over it. The ending was true erotic romance and did leave me smiling.

I received and advance reader copy through book funnel, so the story may change before final release.

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