In a Badger Way by Shelly Laurenston


Story 4.5 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – The Honey Badger Chronicles

Hero – Shen Li

Heroine – Stevie MacKilligan

I was smiling from the start. Only Shelly can make you laugh and fall in love with psychotic shifters. Things to love – Shen’s secret weapon, Stevie playing with her ‘cat toys,’ and tons of real world references blended seamlessly.

Stevie was a child prodigy and is a genius when it comes to music and science but she also has a lot fears, making her dangerous to everyone. Shen is this laid back easy going Giant Panda, that loves to eat bamboo and just hang out. Shen is the zen Stevie needs and once she decided they were going to be an item, he didn’t have a chance no matter Shen’s denials. The story is more about Stevie and the gang working to uncover who is experimenting on and killing hybrids, and various plots against the MacKilligan sisters.

Whenever you need a laugh, grab a Shelly Laurenston book, it never fails. While this is an incredibly entertaining read, the romance isn’t very obvious, and while Stevie messed with Shen a lot, I didn’t really feel their relationship building, it just happened. The story resolves some things but leaves a lot of left unresolved, leaving lots of groundwork for future books. Loved the cameo appearances from previous characters, making me want to re-read their story. Overall, I really enjoyed this book, but didn’t really see the romance.

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