Her Highlander’s Touch by Jordyn Lefay

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Story 4/5

Heat 5/5

Series – Time After Time

Hero – Tobias Alexander Mackenzie

Heroine – Peyton McCellan

Peyton is losing her mind over a cheater, when she has all the goodness that is Tobias. It takes a trip in time back to 1753 Scotland for her to see the light about both her horrible relationship with her ex and the beauty that was there for her all along.

This is definitely a fantasy historical romance, don’t look at the details too closely, they’ll drive you nuts, just enjoy hot steamy men in kilts and uniform (depending on Tobias’ time period). There are definitely spots that jump out as you as not being realistic but if you can ignore that, it’s a good read.

I received a copy through BookSirens and this is my honest review.

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