The Accidental Vampire by Lynsay Sands, narrated by Victoria McGee


Story 3 of 5 stars

Heat 4 of 5 stars

Series – Argeneau Family

Hero – Victor Argeneau

Heroine – ‘Elvi’ Ellen Blackstone

Listened to an audiobook narrated by Victoria McGee.

Victor and DJ are sent to investigate an immortal that put a singles ad in the paper. Victor has lived a long time and lost his life mate to humans long ago. He clearly has lost his purpose and even being an enforcer is starting to wear thin.

Elvi doesn’t know how she was turned but her best friend and the small town she lives in has rallied around her. They are clueless about vampires and believe all they’ve seen in the movies, causing Elvi to sleep in a confine and other stereotypical vampire behaviors. I couldn’t believe that she didn’t even TRY anything, just accepted whatever she saw in the movies.

The town is starting to die off and they want Elvi to have a vampire mate and put an ad out that draws a lot of unwanted attention. Five people respond to the ad, but not all are Immortals, Victor must decide if she must face the counsel for breaking their laws, but doesn’t even bother to read her until several days after meeting her. It’s weird that they follow her around en mass when she realizes she can eat real food and runs to the grocery story and again when she dashes off to get a real bed, it’s weird but the author does provide an explanation toward the end of the book.

It turns out this small town is full of potential lifemates and we get a little side romance as Elvi’s best friend turns out to be DJ’s lifemate and a mystery of who is trying to kill which immortal as Elvi and Victor keep coming under attack but they don’t know which one of them is the main target.

While still full of campy humor and absurd behavior, I enjoyed this one more than previous books in the series.

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