Wreaking Havoc by Harley Stone

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Story 4 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Dead Presidents MC

Main Characters – Marcus ‘Havoc’ Wilson, Julia Edwards

Marcus ‘Havoc’ Wilson was a Army Special Forces Weapons Specialist and is now the Seargeant at Arms for the Dead President MC. He has PTSD and anger management issues. In an attempt to manage his feelings he tried to keep flowers alive and failed. When he went to a bookstore for guidance, he found Julia who propositions him in exchange for helping him with his plants.

Julia Edwards was the personification of rich bitch, mean girl but after divorcing her cheating husband, she’s worked hard to change. Focusing on her bookstore and leading a quiet life, her sister’s upcoming wedding threatens all of that. When Havoc walks into her bookstore she’s sees the answer to her problems but it becomes more than she ever dreamed.

These two are outrageous but they are perfect for each other. I loved how they were able to calm each other when they were losing control and their heat is off the charts.

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