Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco, narrated by Marisa Calin

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Story 4 of 5 stars

Heat 3 of 5 stars

Series – Kingdom of the Wicked

Main characters – Wrath, Emilia Di Carlo

Listened to audio narrated well by Marisa Calin. I loved the Italian accents. The opening segment chilled me to the bone and I loved it.

Wrath is one of the seven Princes of Hell. He has a job to do to finally earn his freedom. But a certain witch cocks up his plans.

This story starts in the past when Emilia Di Carlo and her twin sister Vittoria are only eight years old. They are given amulets from their Nonna and told they must never take them off and never join them together. They grew up with stories of the Seven Princes of Hell and why they should fear them, as well as learning charms and spells to protect themselves. They are witches known as strega, they aren’t human but live among them secretly.

Fast forward, the girls and now eighteen but things are about to change drastically. Emilia is the quiet and methodical twin, while Vittoria is wild and fears little. With secrets kept and a witch murderer on the loose, Emilia’s life is going to change drastically, leading her to actions and places she never would have dreamed of before.

This book is only the beginning of Emilia’s story. A great beginning to a new world of witches and demons. Murder, vengeance, devilish plots and questionable deeds.

The nigglies: occasionally the narrative sounds very modern and less historic. This story takes place in historic Sicily, some of the actions of the characters, the descriptions of place and cooking methods didn’t seem to fit the locale or the time period.

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