Dark Galaxies: His Captured Prey by Sadie Marks

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Story – Captured Prey only 3 of 5 stars

Heat 4 of 5 stars

Series – unknown

Main characters – Jahk, Mara

I only read ‘His Captured Prey’ from this anthology and my rating is for that book alone.

Mara is a botanist who has been exiled from the colony dome for refusing to take part in the breeding program. She had three choices, agree to be implanted with the first of her two pregnancies, be sterilized or leave the dome and try to live in the lawless wastelands. She chose the wastelands.

Jahk was born on the outside, when he finds Mara wandering he claims her and starts to educate her on living in the wild.

From the blurb I read I had different expectation from this book. It feels like more the beginning of their story than a complete story. The author note at the ends suggests she may write more depending on the response to this short. The problem for me is what she gave us wasn’t enough. I read a lot of information about their history and circumstances but no actual feeling between these characters except for her dependence on him for her survival. It was like watching to strangers interacting and dealing with their breed’s heat but little actual connection.

The idea was interesting the execution was not my cuppa.

I received a free copy of this book and I’m voluntarily leaving a review. If you like my reviews I hope you will follow my blog.

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