Degrade by Elizabeth Knox and E.C. Land

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Story 2 of 5 stars

Heat 4.5 of 5 stars

Series – DeLancy Crime Family

Main characters – Félix DeLancy, Madelaine Rosseau

Félix DeLancy became head of the family after killing his psychotic father. He’s worked hard to eliminate the evil his father fostered.

Madelaine Rosseau has a dead beat, gambling addicted father that has used and abused her to cover his debts. She may make good money as a cam girl but he’s draining her dry.

This is a book I wanted to like but didn’t. I liked the characters, I liked some of the ideas but the implementation was a fail for me.

Some of the nigglies, spoilers warning:

Unless the book changed after I received my copy the blurb only loosely describes the book.

Madelaine’s father owes many people money, with his debt to the DeLancy family close to a million dollars. From all descriptions in the book he’s a dead beat, gambling addict with little to no resources, why would anyone extend him that kind of loan?

He attempts to trade his daughter for his debt and Félix decides to keep her, with or without her consent. He puts her in a tower room at his home and seems to be keeping her whether she likes it or not but then has his sister take her on a shopping trip. Later they say she was always free to leave making me as a reader completely confused.

While she still believes she is being held against her will she gets a cell phone she considers her life line to getting free but she leaves it on the dresser in her room to be found? Really???? TSTL

This sister is suppose to have a guard with her at all times but when they go shopping there’s no indication of the guard, in fact she waits in her car in a shady neighborhood alone.

Given her past history it felt really out of place and odd to see her say ‘I don’t want you to defile me Félix. I want you to degrade me.’

When Land and Knox collabe it’s usually a great read, this one missed the mark for me, it didn’t flow, nor was it cohesive and it felt like there was a lot of missing pieces to the story.”

I received a free copy of this book and I’m voluntarily leaving a review. If you like my reviews I hope you will follow my blog.

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