Taken to Nobu by Elizabeth Stephens

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Story 5 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Xiveri Mates

Main characters – Okkari (Kinan), Kiki

Kiki is a human who was raped in an illegal Hunt on her colony. She is determined to never let another alien hurt her again and has become a formidable warrior and strategist.

Rivan is Okkari, the Va’Raku, Ruler of the Voraxian Nobu planet. He finds his Xiveri Mate on a small human colony but must wait for her. When he returns to claim her she is severely injured and must wait even longer for her to heal in the healing vats before he can claim her.

When Kiki wakes she doesn’t know where she is, only that she is about to be thrown into another Hunt called the Mountain Run. She will kill or be killed before she endures another Hunt. When Okkari hunts Kiki down he is proud and elated to finally be able to claim his mate only something is terribly wrong and he must find a way to fix it, because her happiness is his.

Their story gets off to a very rough and tumble start with neither of them understanding each other’s culture and beliefs and Okkari not knowing of Kiki’s trauma. Taken from her world and placed in a new unknown world, Kiki only seeks to escape. Okkari sees his mate as a beautiful warrior woman and only wants to take care of her and be her mate.

The struggle is real as Kiki must face her inner demons and accept that not all aliens are like those that abused her. Okkari is determined to win his mate and with this steadfast care and ability to truely see Kiki, he not only helps her heal but wins her heart.

I loved this world, the fierce warrior people and their devotion to their mates. Off the charts heat. A great story of love, healing, understanding and compassion with a warrior heart.

I received a free copy of this book and I’m voluntarily leaving a review. If you like my reviews I hope you will follow my blog.

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