Wanted by the Hunter by Lynnea Lee

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Story 4 of 5 stars

Heat 4 of 5 stars

Series – Xarc’n Warriors

Main characters – Rajiv’k, Natalie

Rajiv’k is one of 10,000 cloned Xarc’n warriors genetically modified to be the ultimate fighters in the Xarc’n war against the scourge. He’s not like most of the warriors, he has a creative, inventive mind and wants more for himself than mindless hunting of scourge.

The scourge were created by Xarc’n as a weapon but they lost control of them. Now their warriors go from world to world fighting to keep the scourge from eradicating other worlds. Their only purpose is to destroy the scourge before they wipe out another world. When they discovered Earth woman could trigger their mating bond, it gave them hope for their future.

When the scourge came to Earth, the Xarc’n came to help but too many humans believed they were the ones who sent the scourge. When mating bonds started to form, a faction violently against inter-species mingling arose as well. The Xarc’n not only have to battle the scourge but the anti-alien forces as well.

Natalie is human trying to survive in a world decimated by the scourge invasion. There are many dangers as she and her friend Alice struggle to survive until a group Xarc’n warriors take them under their protection. While she finds them wildly attractive, she can’t imagine any of them wanting to keep her for their own.

Natalie and Rajiv’k are a little gobsmacked when they first laid eyes on each other. He wants her for his mate and she wants him to want to keep her. Natalie strikes a deal with Rajiv’k, her body for his protection, secretly hoping he won’t want to let her go.

These two fit so well together, both are so inventive and creative and fiercely protective. He wanted more meaning in his life and she gave it to him in spades.

Engaging read, with alien bug battles, a budding romance, while facing off with suspicious, untrusting humans.”

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