Quiet in her Bones by Nalini Singh, narrated by Raj Varma


Story 2 of 5 stars

Heat 1 of 5 stars

Series – n/a

Main characters – Aarav Rai

Listened to audio narrated by Raj Varma. I had a hard time warming up to this narrator. I kept finding myself listening to the narrator rather than listening to the story. The story is set in New Zealand but the accent sounded Australian. I know a lot of Australians live in New Zealand but given the descriptions in the book, I’d expected to hear more New Zealand accents. He gave Aarav an edgy, confrontational tone that I’m not sure was intended by the author.

Aarav Rai grew up in a wealthy home, with an abusive father and an alcoholic, manipulative, narcissistic mother. At sixteen the night his mother disappeared he heard her scream drive off. It has haunted him ever since.

Ten years later he’s back home recovering from severe injuries from a car accident when his mother’s body is found. It ignites his drive to find out what happened to his mother. The only problem is he seems to have many gaps in his memory.

Everyone in the cul-de-sac seems to be viable suspects including Aarav. The book keeps you just as off balance as Aarav, as we follow him chasing clues and leads to uncover who killed his mother and what is going on with him.

While I normally love all the Singh writes, I found this book difficult to finish. None of the main characters were likeable. I found Aarav just as rude, self-absorbed, manipulative and entitled as his parents. While it was a tragedy his mother was killed, she was a terrible mother.

Is it an ok book yes, did I like it? no. Your mileage may vary.

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