Dangerous King by Sienna Snow

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Story 5 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Street Kings

Main characters – Nikhil King, Danika Dayal

Nikhil King and his brothers grew from street kids to successful real estate developers. He fell in love with a little girl who protected a street kid and is determined to get her back one way or another.

Danika Dayal grew up poor, running with street kids until her parents died and her powerful uncle whisked her away to his opulent world. She’s been under his thumb ever since, suffering his abuses while plotting his demise. By day she runs a successful art gallery but behind the scenes she’s a talented hacker for hire.

When two powerful, brilliant people come together anything can happen.

I was pulled into their complicated web from the first few pages. Both of them have scores to settle with Danika’s uncle but when Danika comes to him for assistance he wants her in exchange. They navigate secrets and uncover more than they expected while falling deeper for each other than they ever imagined. Their connection is tangible and scorching hot, I loved their story and didn’t want it to end.

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“Do you trust me?”“

Yes,” she answered without hesitation.

“Then, trust that I know what I’m doing. I’m not as weak as I let everyone believe, even you. There are reasons why I’m doing things the way I am. When I have all the pieces lined up, there’s going to be a lot of truth tea spilled. Tea that Uncle is going to drown in.”

“And Nik is part of the plan?”

“He’s…” I trailed off as my gaze locked on the very man.

 He stood in the hallway outside of the ballroom with a phone to his ear. His dark, penetrating gaze studied me in a way I should have been used to by now, but always felt as if it was the first time. Everything inside me clenched in response.


He was gorgeous in the way that gave a woman heart palpitations, and no woman around him was immune.

Those broad shoulders and muscled arms gave truth to the rumors he spent more time than not in the boxing ring and probably meant there wasn’t an ounce of unnecessary fat on his body. Then there were those piercing almost-black eyes that seemed to see too much with a simple look. And finally, his face looked as if it had been created by the discerning eye of a sculptor’s chisel, but was the result of the beautiful union between his Afro-Trinidadian mother and Indian father.

The one thing that kept him from looking too perfect was the dusting of a beard, which only added to the unrefined edge he carried naturally. His whole aura made a woman think of all the wickedly delicious things he could do to her body.

I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to run my fingers across his jaw just once. Or to kiss those lips I’d dreamed about over too many restless nights.

Nope, dammit, Danika. Don’t go there. Put him back in that box of impossibilities. Well, at least for a little longer.

 Maybe one day I could allow myself a taste, or if I was lucky, a night to indulge.

“What are you looking at? Oh.” Jayna nudged me, snapping my attention back to her. “Are you sure you don’t want Nik to be a bigger part of your plan than these games from afar?”

I swallowed, pushing down my thought from moments earlier, and said, “He’s a complication I can’t afford right now.”

About Sienna

Inspired by her years working in corporate America, Sienna loves to serve up stories woven around confident and successful women who know what they want and how to get it, both in – and out – of the bedroom.

Her heroines are fresh, well-educated, and often find love and romance through atypical circumstances.  Sienna treats her readers to enticing slices of hot romance infused with empowerment and indulgent satisfaction.

Sienna loves the life of travel and adventure.  She plans to visit even the farthest corners of the world and delight in experiencing the variety of cultures along the way. When she isn’t writing or traveling, Sienna is working on her “happily ever after” with her husband and children.

Connect with Sienna

Amazon: https://amzn.to/35iFUZf

Facebook: https://bit.ly/2SnDROm

Instagram: https://bit.ly/3bU3ldR

Twitter: https://bit.ly/2WhxQ6T

Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2yWXgPe

BookBub: https://bit.ly/3f9nK0e

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Website: https://siennasnow.com

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