Dragon’s Captive by Cassie Lockharte

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Story 4 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Wardens of the Other Worlds

Main characters – Jax Janvier, Sammie O’Connor

Rax Janvier is a dragon shifter from another realm. He was falsely imprisoned, then freed. When the Key to the Gate Below was fractured his dragon was stripped from him to guard the Gate Below. He has spent centuries trying to restore the key so he could be rejoined with his dragon but his time is running out.

Sammy O’Connor’s best friend is about to marry a dragon, so when a strange package arrives, she assumes it’s for her friend. Despite being an avid fan of murder mysteries, she does the classic ‘Too Stupid to Live’ action and decides to open it and wear the necklace found within. These actions make her a beacon for nasties she wants no part of and the singular focus of a dragon.

When Rax realizes Sammy is wearing part of the missing key he tries to seduce her but the necklace she wears cannot be removed. He abducts her for her safety as well as to give him time to find a way to remove the necklace. Sammy wakes up imprisoned in his home with strange creatures. She doesn’t believe anything Rax tells her, she only knows she’s been kidnapped and will do anything and everything to try and escape.

These two both have tragic pasts and once they stop fighting things get steamy but if they can’t restore the key, tragedy is in their future.

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