The Effing List by Cherise Sinclair

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Story 4.5 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Masters of the Shadowlands

Main characters – Dr. Finlay ‘Ghost’ Blackwood, Dr. Valerie Winbourne

4.5 of 5 stars

Retired Special Forces Colonel, Dr. Finlay ‘Ghost’ Blackwood is a part time professor, a widower, a sadist and a Dom. He’s one of the Masters of the Shadowlands, and loves what he does.
Ghost has been away from the Shadowlands for a while testing out a new prosthesis but what he finds when he returns is trouble at the club as well as a new masochistic submissive that sparks his interest.

Dr. Valerie Winbourne is a professor, an author and a masochist. When her and her husband started exploring kink, he used it as an opportunity to abuse her and she wisely walked away but not after enduring a lot of emotional beatings. She’s a smart, wonderful woman whose family has let her down. She’s come up with a list to reclaim her life all starting with F: Fun, Friends, Fitness, Finances and Friskiness!

Valerie comes to a Shadowlands Open House and not only gets a wonderful introduction to spanking done right, but a fellow professor that might fit her to a T, except she isn’t looking for another relationship. It will take patience and time for Ghost to restore her confidence in herself and faith in their relationship. But all good things come to those who wait, right?

Something has gone awry at Club Shadowlands and when the Masters and their submissives return they compare notes and work to fix things. It’s amazing how a few bad apples and false assumptions can ruin a good thing. One of the things that has fallen apart is Olivia and her submissive Natalia, so we get a second relationship as well.

I loved seeing more mature characters finding their happily ever after, as well as seeing the Masters and their partners from previous Shadowlands books coming together to restore the Shadowlands community. Sinclair brings all the emotions and relationship depth into her stories so even if their kink isn’t yours, you can still relate and fall in love with her characters.

Nigglie – Master Z has always been able to see into people hearts and know they are good people or not and yet he hires someone so far off mark that I spent more than a few times in the book distracted from the story, thinking no way, not possible, how could that happen after all I know about Master Z? It just didn’t fit and it still bothers me even though I’ve finished the book 😦

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