A Monster’s Heart by Lynnea Lee

Story 4 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Kadrixan Mates

Main characters – Captain Vostak, Penelope

Vostak was a Captain before he was exiled with his fellow Kadrixan warriors. He doesn’t believe he deserves a mate, isn’t looking for one, and hasn’t bothered to prepare a nest for one. He’s determined to stay away from the one human who might tempt his mating bond.

Penelope has been with the Kadrixan’s for three rutting seasons. After helping them through their annual rut, she decided to stay rather than return to the corrupt human colony, where she designed living spaces for the colony. Now she writes erotic alien romance novels and posts them for the human colonists enjoyment.

Every rut Penelope hopes a mating bond will be triggered, but it’s been three years and she is losing hope. Vostak has worked hard to stay away from her but things are about to change. A scouting mission has them in close quarters and finds Vostak losing the battle with the mating bond. His struggles might just cost him Penelope because she’s not interested in anything but a fully embraced mating.

I wanted to smack Vostak around for his bad behavior but really liked how Penelope didn’t take his crap. I’m still a bit uncomfortable with the mating pheromones, but I thought the author handled it better in this book than the first.

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