Lethal Balance by Cherise Sinclair

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Story 5 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Sons of the Survivalilst

Hero – ‘Cazador’ Miguel Ramirez

Heroine – ‘J.J.’ Jayden Linnea Jenner

Cazador couldn’t stop a druggie from killing his mother and sister as a young boy, nor could he save his fiancé, he refuses to love those he can’t protect. He went from black ops assassin to nurse practitioner in the small town of Rescue to honor Mako’s last wishes. Caz is a man ho until a lady cop and an unknown daughter come into his life changing his life forever.

J.J. loves being a law enforcement officer but sexual harassment and failure of fellow officers to back her up has her moving to Alaska where she can do some good. She’s a strong, capable officer with a huge heart and she doesn’t let Caz’s charm sweep her off her feet.

I loved this book and the sons of Mako. I loved the slow burn between Caz and J.J. and that they tried to keep things on a friends only basis, until they couldn’t fight it any longer. Caz was such an amazing father and Regan charmed the socks off me.

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