Taken to Voraxia by Elizabeth Stephens

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Story 5 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Xiveri Mates

Main characters – ‘Raku’ Zoran, Miari

Raku is the overarching ruler of the Voraxian Federation and ruler of it’s principle planet, Voraxia. He’s given up finding his Xiveri Mate.

Miari is the first female half-Dra’Kesh baby born out of the Hunt. She’s a tinker, engineer, mechanic and inventor. Miari grew up knowing she caused her mother’s death upon her birth. With red skin and a tail she doesn’t quit fit in with the other humans but she knows she will still have to participate in the next Hunt.

When Raku discovers his Xiveri Mate on a small colony moon he never heard of, he must have her. The call to join with her is almost overwhelming but he must wait for her to come of age. He also discovers treachery and abuse on the colony. They were coerced into participating in a Hunt, where aliens choose women to hunt and breed upon. This he will fix.

Miari wants no part of Raku, no matter that her body is completely on board with the idea. She envisions a life of slavery and abuse. When he comes for her the next cycle, their relationship starts in fear, misunderstandings and deal making. She will do anything to keep the people she cares about safe. He doesn’t understand her but he knows she is bound to him as he is bound to her. He will do all he can to maker her happy. She only wants to do what has to be done until she discovers he’s not the monster she thought he was. I loved the way their relationship grew and bloomed into something wonderful.

All is not peace and tranquility in the Voraxian Federation and we get fierce alien battles, heroes to save the day along with our inter-species romance.

Loved ALL of it and the glimpses of the future alien couples.

I received a free copy of this book and I’m voluntarily leaving a review. If you like my reviews I hope you will follow my blog.

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