Hot Winter Nights by Jill Shalvas, narrated by Vivienne Leheny

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Story 4 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Heartbreaker Bay

Hero – Lucas Allen Knight

Heroine – Molly Michelle Malone

Listened to audio narrated by Vivienne Leheny.

Molly works at the same investigative agency as Lucas and her boss and brother have made it clear that no one is to touch her. She wants to be an investigator and they want to keep her sidelined to keep her safe.

Lucas used to be an agent and is now a tough as nails investigator that is recovering from being shot. He’s put on Molly sitting duty when she refuses to drop the ‘Bad Santa’ case.

Molly was severely injured and traumatized when she was kidnapped as a teenager and her escape caused her to break her back in two places. She has a lot of scars both internally and externally and is determined to not get involved in any relationship. Lucas has fantasized about Molly for a long time and he knows he has no chance but it doesn’t stop him from wishing. As he helps her with this investigation he realizes that everyone has underestimated her and admires her skills. One little peeve was his emphasis on having back up but when things are clearly moving into dangerous territory neither of them call for back up until after they are injured.

This is a charming, feel good romance that has a ‘Beverly Hills 90210’ feeling to it, where everyone is in everyone else’s business, but only because they care. Lots of entertaining side characters, especially each other’s family members.

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