Lightning Game by Christine Feehan, narrated by Jim Frangione


Story 4 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – GhostWalkers

Main characters – Rubin Campos, Jonquille

Listened to audio narrated by Jim Frangione. Easy to listen to but I would have liked a little more differences between male characters.

Rubin Campos is a Ghostwalker, he’s a Ghostwalker and a psychic surgeon and can manipulate lightning. He’s frustrated with his team’s over protectiveness and dictates on his life. Rubin and his brother return to their mountain home regularly to give medical aid and for Rubin to experiment with his abilities.

Jonquille is one of Whitney’s first failed experiments, her abilities will eventually kill her. She draws lightning and energy from those around her, but can’t control it. She’s lived a solitary life researching lightning and psychic doctoring in order to protect others from her out of control power. She also has a gift for healing and was a trained assassin by Whitney..

Jonquille heads to Rubin’s mountain home to try and head off those she believes are hunting him. When Rubin and his brother arrive early and find her in their home they have to decide if she is friend or foe. Rubin knows Whitney paired them, he just has to convince Jonquille to give them a chance.

There’s a lot of action and intensity as Jonquille and Rubin learn to trust each other and use their abilities together. I enjoyed the give and take between them and how their abilities complimented each other so well.

I understood Rubin’s frustration when others tried to orchestrate his missions to keep him protected, but he came across as petulant and sullen about it. He’s a brilliant man why didn’t he come up with a solution for the problem that everyone could live with, rather than internally bemoaning it so often?

This story takes a few dark twisty turns toward the end, opening up more possible heroes and enemies for future books.

Tragic pasts, sweet love story, kick ass fights, charming and wiley mountain people and a few surprises to entertain you.

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Lethal Game by Christine Feehan, narrated by Jim Frangione

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Story 5 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Ghostwalkers

Main Characters – Malichai Fortunes, Amaryllis Johnson

Malichai is a paramedic in the Airforce, part of the GhostWalker program. His DNA was mixed with so many different animals his talents make him a jack of all trades. When his leg was severely injured on a rescue mission he is forced to take a medical vacation and finds his paired mate hiding out in a bed and breakfast.

Amaryllis is one of Whitney’s orphans who escaped and had been hiding out, working at a bed and breakfast, until Malichai came along. At first she thought he had come to take her back but quickly realized he wasn’t like Whitney’s other soldiers.

Their story took me back to why I fell in love with Feehan’s stories. These two didn’t try to overwhelm the other, even though their attraction could not be denied. Whitney may have paired them but these two sizzled and were a perfect complement for each other. I loved watching them get to know each other, working through the dynamics and terror of his injury, the intrigue and terrorist plots going on around them, as well as the people in the bed and breakfast and the GhostWalker team.

You can’t blink without something happening to someone, keeping you on your toes and not wanting to put this book down. I loved seeing the rest of the team again as well as watching Trap and Cyan navigate her pregnancy. So much goodness here to enjoy.

If you like my reviews I hope you will follow my blog.

Toxic Game by Christine Feehan


Story 4 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – GhostWalkers

Hero – Dr. Draden Freeman

Heroine – Peony Shylah Cosmos

Shylah is sent by Whitney to track down the source of the hemorrhaging virus that wiped out an entire village, she’s a tracker and an assassin. Draden and his team were sent in to recover soldiers and WHO workers attacked by terrorists near that same village. As Draden was evacing out the terrorists darted him with the virus and he chooses to stay behind rather than infect his team. As Draden goes to war on the terrorists, Shylah watches until he gets hurt and she ends up getting infected after giving him mouth to mouth.

This is a fast past, action packed read as these two work to simultaneously wipe out the terrorist cell, find the remaining virus vials and providing blood and samples in the hopes their team can find a cure before they bleed out. This couple is great together, I liked watching their relationship bloom.

There’s a lot of good stuff here, but it can get a little bogged down with the science and flora descriptions and yet the author didn’t explain how they had running water and electricity in the ranger cabin if they were out in the jungle. They mentioned the lab had solar power but didn’t really explain about the ranger cabin. Also the 24 hour wedding planning and implementation in the rainforest, while very romantic, seemed ill timed and wasting resources when they had terrorists, missing scientists that created the virus and finding a cure to worry about. I liked the story but I kept being pulled out of the immersion due to things like that.