Dead Awakenings by Rebekah R. Ganiere

Story 3.5 of 5 stars

Heat 3 of 5 stars

Main characters – Luca, Evaine Michaels, Tristan Atwater

Evaine is studying acting in New York and is engaged to her high school sweetheart. She’s determined to make it on her own, unlike her mother who uses men for what she can get.

Luca is a Deader and head of the tactical recon team at Haven House. Since his change he has been committed to finding those responsible and ending their experiments as well as recovering those who have also been changed.

Tristan Atwater lost his family young but never regretted making a fool out of himself to get the attention of his now fiancé.

Short on funds Evaine enters a drug trial that changes her forever. She awakens without her memory and a hunger for human flesh. Luca and his team are there to rescue her and guide her through the aftermath of the change, her new powers and a connection neither of them understands.

When Evaine disappears, Tristan is devastated and pulls out all the stops to find her. Finding her is everything, but it leads him down a path he never expected and a rival for her affections.

Ganiere gives us a new world, with human test subjects, two factions of Deaders, a love triangle, and a different take on the previously dead. I thought some of her ideas worked well in the story but others did not. There were a few inconsistencies that pulled me out of the story a few times. My takeaway was mixed, it’s a likeable read but not my favorite of Ganiere’s work.

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Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice, narrated by Simon Vance

Title details for The Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice - Available

Story 4 of 5 stars

Heat 2 of 5 stars

Series – Vampire Chronicles

Main characters – Lestat de Lioncourt, Gabrielle de Lioncourt, Maharet, Akasha, Enkil, Mael, Khayman, Jesse Miriam Reeves, Marius de Romanus, Daniel Molloy, Louis de Pointe du Lac, Armand

Listened to audio narrated well by Simon Vance. I enjoyed listening to Vance bring these characters to life. Easy to listen to although some of his French accents didn’t seem to fit. He adds just the right amount of grit and tone to make a listener really feel the age of these characters.

The Vampire Lestat is often referred as a Prince amongst vampires. He’s impetuous and self-absorbed, seemly in love with everything while he creating chaos for everyone else. There are moments where you want to like him, right until he does something monstrous. He seems forever young rather than the ages old vampire that he is, creating dissonance as you read his story.

The Vampire Lestat has attracted the attention of the Queen Akasha. This book starts out with Lestat narrating events but quickly changes. As a listener you will need to stay on your toes as the author jumps from the past to present, as well as multiple viewpoints. Each character contributes their histories and viewpoints revealing secrets as the author brings everyone together to confront the Mother of them all.

It felt like I was reading multiple short stories that had the same destination.

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Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice, narrated by Simon Vance


Story 3 of 5 stars

Heat 3 of 5 stars

Series – Vampire Chronicles

Main characters – Lestat de Lioncourt, Claudia, Daniel Molloy, Louis de Pointe du Lac

Listened to audio narrated by Simon Vance. I liked the voice he gave Louis, but there was very little variation between characters.

Louis de Pointe du Lac seeks out the young writer, Daniel Molloy, to tell his story from how he became a vampire and his life to present day.

His story isn’t pretty as it begins with Lestat de Lioncourt turning him into a vampire, Luis’ struggle with what he has become, including the turning of the child Claudia to become their companion.

There’s a lot story to share that begins in New Orleans and takes them through their struggles not only there but in Europe as Louis tries to learn what Lestat refuses to teach him and find a way to not hate himself for what he has become.

There’s a lot of ups and down in their lives and a focus on their love for people and things while simultaneously wanting to drain them dry. They go on killing sprees but never get caught or even close to caught and Louis spends most of his time bemoaning his fate but never actually seeming to do anything to improve it. The relationship between Claudia, Louis and Lestat is creepy and may squick many people out.

I read this when I was young and enjoyed it but on second reading I struggled to remember why. It’s an okay read but it feels like it goes on forever and none of the characters are very likeable.”

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Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton, narrated by Kimberly Alexis


Story 5 of 5 stars

Heat 1 of 5 stars

Series – Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter

Main character – Anita Blake

Listened to audio narrated well by Kimberly Alexis. She really did a good job with the various characters and even Jean Claude’s French accent. Although I always imaged him with a bit deeper voice, I got over it and just enjoyed the book.

Anita Blake is an Animator, she animates the dead for a living. She’s a vampire hunter who regularly works with the police on paranormal investigations. The vampires call her the Vampire Executioner

When vampires are being murdered they come to her trying to hire her to solve the case. When she refuses, they find another way to make her to their bidding.

To save her friend she agrees to investigate the murders but faces danger from a fellow vampire hunter as well as other vampires.

Anita is this wonderfully complex character. She’s a tough, take no bullshit investigator and hunter but she also has a heart that bleeds for those she cares about. She will do what it takes to save her friend and will kill you dead if necessary.

Loved this book, loved the rich texture of this world, and the range of characters from evil, to the oblivious, to the helpless and the badass.

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Dead by Morning by Kayla Krantz, narrated by Katrina Medina

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Story 2 of 5 stars

Heat 1 of 5 stars

Series – Rituals of the Night

Main Characters – Luna Ketz, Chance Welfrey

Listened to audio narrated by Katrina Medina. The audio was inconsistent, different volumes, sometimes sounding close then faraway for no apparent reason.

Luna is a grouchy Muslim girl who spends a lot of time being angry, placating her father and trying to avoid her own personal stalker named Chance.

Chance is the popular, good looking, I’ve got everything boy at school who is a psychopath and he wants Luna.

None of the characters are very likeable, the dream world and it’s warriors are suppose to be strong but come across as impotent. It’s confusing when we’re told if you die there you die in real life yet, folks are killed in the dream world, but aren’t dead. It doesn’t make sense.

Luna’s supposed BFF who’s crushing on Chance, works to help Chance get Luna. Luna wants nothing to do with Chance, yet over and over again she’s involved with him. She knows he’s a murderer but let’s him in her house, it just boggles the mind and her father punishing her by forcing her to go on a date with Chance seemed absurd.

This is a very creepy read but because of the above issues and more the story just didn’t work for me.

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