Marks of Rebellion by Maggie Cole

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Story 4 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Behind Closed Doors

Main characters – Hunter Ward, Vanessa ‘Flower’

Per Author ‘Trigger Warning: This book contains Domestic Violence.’

Vanessa ‘Flower’ was a therapist until a corrupt politician, Carlos Garcia set his eyes on her. He wined and dined her and then took over her world and tried to beat her into submission. She was captured by Guatemalan guerrillas and turned over to Santiago Gomez, a cartel leader. He’ll keep her in the pit with the other women until she tells him the information she has on her abusive, corrupt ex.

Hunter Ward and his team are hired by Interpol to retrieve the women but he finds himself wanting to claim his target for his own.

Each of the women have secrets that puts their life in danger and makes them wanted by powerful people. When the team realizes more is going on than they were told they split up to get the women to safety.

There’s action, steam and a lot of PTSD trauma as Hunter and ‘Flower’ try to keep ahead of her ex. He’s determined to own and control her and keep her from divulging any secrets. All while giving us little bits and pieces of the other women’s stories to tantalize us on how they are all connected.

Interesting, steamy read, with a great balance of action, mystery and heat.. I would have liked to see the attraction and connection develop a little bit later than it did, it seemed a bit creepy at first. However Hunter clearly has his ‘Flower’s’ best interests at heart and I got over it.

This story includes scenes that may be difficult for some readers due to violence, abuse and sexual situations.

I received a free copy of this book and I’m voluntarily leaving a review. If you like my reviews I hope you will follow my blog.

Landing Eagle by Harley Stone

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Story 3.75 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Dead Presidents MC

Main characters – Houston ‘Eagle’ Archer, Noami Lincoln

Houston ‘Eagle’ Archer was a scout sniper who provided cover for his woman while she was out on patrol sweeping for hostiles in Iraq. Only to see her killed through his scope. Years later he’s stateside trying to patch in with the Dead Presidents MC, still mourning her loss when another strong kick ass woman comes into his life.

Naomi Lincoln is a pedro in the Airforce. She flies helos for combat search and rescue as well as training. Naomi was born and raised in the Dead Presidents MC and she’s Lincoln’s sister. She’s never met a challenge she can’t take on except those limited by her gender. When she returns home for some R&R Naomi never expected to find a man that she’d never forget or that would change her world.

After their first steaming hot night they managed to avoid each other for two years but their heat cannot be denied and round two becomes an all nighter.

I felt like this was the beginning of a GREAT story, there just wasn’t enough time with them actually together for me to believe in the quick wrap up and their HEA. I needed more time with them actually together interacting, need the romance to go with all the hot and steamy.”

This story includes scenes that may be difficult for some readers due to violence, and abuse, read at your own discretion.

If you like my reviews I hope you will follow my blog.

Lethal Game by Christine Feehan, narrated by Jim Frangione

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Story 5 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – Ghostwalkers

Main Characters – Malichai Fortunes, Amaryllis Johnson

Malichai is a paramedic in the Airforce, part of the GhostWalker program. His DNA was mixed with so many different animals his talents make him a jack of all trades. When his leg was severely injured on a rescue mission he is forced to take a medical vacation and finds his paired mate hiding out in a bed and breakfast.

Amaryllis is one of Whitney’s orphans who escaped and had been hiding out, working at a bed and breakfast, until Malichai came along. At first she thought he had come to take her back but quickly realized he wasn’t like Whitney’s other soldiers.

Their story took me back to why I fell in love with Feehan’s stories. These two didn’t try to overwhelm the other, even though their attraction could not be denied. Whitney may have paired them but these two sizzled and were a perfect complement for each other. I loved watching them get to know each other, working through the dynamics and terror of his injury, the intrigue and terrorist plots going on around them, as well as the people in the bed and breakfast and the GhostWalker team.

You can’t blink without something happening to someone, keeping you on your toes and not wanting to put this book down. I loved seeing the rest of the team again as well as watching Trap and Cyan navigate her pregnancy. So much goodness here to enjoy.

If you like my reviews I hope you will follow my blog.

Without Sanction by Don Bentley

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Story 5 of 5 stars

Heat – n/a

Series – Matt Drake

Main Character – Matt Drake

Matt Drake is a former Army Ranger and former Defense Intelligence Agent who’s struggling after losing an asset and being injured, along with his partner Frodo while they were trying to get to his asset in Syria. He keep’s seeing their ghosts and worries that he may be a danger to his wife. While he’s trying to sort out his PTSD and medical problems, he’s suddenly recalled back to Syria when a chemical weapon making scientist he’d been trying to recruit says he has information on an a military captive and demands he will only come in if Matt Drake is the one to do it.

This book grabs you from the start with alphabet agencies intrigue, political shenanigans and covert military action. There are no dull moments as Drake goes above and beyond to retrieve Shaw, with Frodo’s help even when everything goes south. Powerful moments as he falls back on his Ranger training to get him through the darkest moments of this mission and makes me want to queue up ‘Black Hawk Down’ and watch it again.

This is Don Bentley’s debut thriller and I loved it from start to finish, can’t wait for the next book!

If you like my reviews I hope you will follow my blog.

Damnation by Jean Johnson


Story 5 of 5 stars


Series – Theirs Not to Reason Why

Main Character – Ia

The final book in the series. It’s jam packed, with action and self reflection on Ia’s motives for all her actions. We see the final solution to the Salik problem and the Grey’s continued encroachment.

I loved this whole series. The men and women under Ia’s command as well as Ia are inspirational and pull at your heartstrings. I’ve re-read this series several times and it gets me every time. I hope she will continue to write these kinds of stories.

Very poignant and as much as I wished for a different ending it had a powerful impact not only on the story but to our men and women who have and will serve to protect.

If you like my reviews I hope you will follow my blog.