Lightning Game by Christine Feehan, narrated by Jim Frangione


Story 4 of 5 stars

Heat 5 of 5 stars

Series – GhostWalkers

Main characters – Rubin Campos, Jonquille

Listened to audio narrated by Jim Frangione. Easy to listen to but I would have liked a little more differences between male characters.

Rubin Campos is a Ghostwalker, he’s a Ghostwalker and a psychic surgeon and can manipulate lightning. He’s frustrated with his team’s over protectiveness and dictates on his life. Rubin and his brother return to their mountain home regularly to give medical aid and for Rubin to experiment with his abilities.

Jonquille is one of Whitney’s first failed experiments, her abilities will eventually kill her. She draws lightning and energy from those around her, but can’t control it. She’s lived a solitary life researching lightning and psychic doctoring in order to protect others from her out of control power. She also has a gift for healing and was a trained assassin by Whitney..

Jonquille heads to Rubin’s mountain home to try and head off those she believes are hunting him. When Rubin and his brother arrive early and find her in their home they have to decide if she is friend or foe. Rubin knows Whitney paired them, he just has to convince Jonquille to give them a chance.

There’s a lot of action and intensity as Jonquille and Rubin learn to trust each other and use their abilities together. I enjoyed the give and take between them and how their abilities complimented each other so well.

I understood Rubin’s frustration when others tried to orchestrate his missions to keep him protected, but he came across as petulant and sullen about it. He’s a brilliant man why didn’t he come up with a solution for the problem that everyone could live with, rather than internally bemoaning it so often?

This story takes a few dark twisty turns toward the end, opening up more possible heroes and enemies for future books.

Tragic pasts, sweet love story, kick ass fights, charming and wiley mountain people and a few surprises to entertain you.

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SEAL’s Honor by Megan Crane


Story 4 of 5 stars

Heat 4 of 5 stars

Series – Alaska Force

Hero – ‘Blue’ Benjamin Lewis Hendricks

Heroine – Everly Campbell

Benjamin Lewis Hendricks aka Blue is a former Navy SEAL, who joined Alaskan Force in remote Alaska after he could no longer serve. He hasn’t been home to see his family in twenty years, but a neighbor girl keeps coming to his mind when he thinks of home.

Everly Campbell drives from Chicago to the far reaches of Alaska to find Blue, believing he can help her. She witnessed her roommate’s murder, but no one believes her and now she’s in danger.
Blue tries to be the bad, ass, remote bodyguard after agreeing to help her but Everly makes him feel and that’s the last thing he wants.

Blue has been holding in a lot of anger for a long time, as well as all the emotional hardships that come with serving in the military. Returning to Chicago to help Everly puts a lot of cracks in his emotional walls. He’s hard and often mean in his efforts to keep Everly at arms length, but Everly see’s through him and is often the true fighter in their relationship.

I loved that Everly kept fighting and never gave up even when it was clear someone was out to murder her and that for the most part she didn’t take any of Blue’s crap. I loved the training sessions between Blue and Everly I just wished there had been more positive relationship moments and less cruelty on Blue’s part. There were also some scenes that didn’t quite meet the believability test and pulled me out of the story and a lot of inner monologue that seemed a bit repetitive. So a bit of a mixed review but overall a likeable read, with interesting side characters I hope to see in future books.

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