Callisto 2.0 by Susan English

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Story 3 of 5 stars

Heat 3 of 5 stars

Series – Shambhala Saga

Main character – Callisto Collins

Earth 2097

Callisto Collins is a thirty-one-year-old, lesbian, theoretical physicist. Her focus is on faster than light space travel and warp drives, which most in her field have given up on.

Calli’s job prospects are slim until Portal al Porvenir recruits her to work on their space lab, that orbits the Moon. The Foundation seems to be a utopian female only community of scientists and specialists, who want to use science to better human lives in a green tech way. Calli was raised in a fundamental Christian household that didn’t understand or approve of her. She never felt like she belonged until the Foundation came calling.

Calli seems to fall in love at the drop of a hat and behaves much younger than her thirty-one years. She does grow and thrive on the orbital lab, making friends and working passionately on projects with the other women.

While I liked the story as it started, the more I read of the story, the more I got tired of the repeated messages, that humans, especially males had and were continuing to ruin the world and the litany of environmental crimes they caused. The idea of a utopian society based on mutual cooperation and common goals sounds like a great plan until you realize it doesn’t include any males. The story gives lip service that not all males are bad, while repeatedly telling us how terrible they are and that there is no room for them in their vision of the community they are building.

The idea that all the ‘wrongs of the world’ can be made right or corrected by a female only society, working cooperatively together may appeal to some but as presented here, it didn’t work for me. The story plods along with the minutia of daily living and working, stupid actions by smart people, hints at secrets that are easily figured out, and no surprises as it’s obvious what is going to happen in the story.

It’s an okay read but not my cup of tea.

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